Friday, September 25, 2009

human reproduction

Now i've got twice the friends by messyeater

this is the full version of the song.

Now ive got twice the friends (excerpt) by messyeater

just in case you have a small musical attention span i included this super short version as well.

Friday, September 18, 2009

MeSsEy EaTeR & ReDhEaD

messy eater - Peepul ova muni by basementsoundexperiments
i got a new computer today, so i played around with it a bit and made this

Redhead by basementsoundexperiments
this is some looping background music i did for missy's art show called "redheads".

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

low quality control

i have decided to start randomly filming with my crappy still cam and making stupid little montages of the clips with homemade music in the background. The majority of the clips will come from times at the skatepark when i am taking a break from skating. It will be my hobby, kind of like playing with model trains or whittling wood.

Friday, September 11, 2009